The definition of ‘empowerment’ is to give authority or power to someone to do something…….and as we emerge from the Covid19 pandemic I think we will all know someone, possibly someone elderly who relied on someone else to assist them with their day to day tasks.
Whilst the task of popping to the shops and picking up the groceries will have been unproblematic for friends and relatives. Decisions or actions concerning finances and health and welfare may have proved more challenging. It is now with the benefit of hindsight that many of our customers are creating Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs).
These two different types of LPA’s are; the ‘Property and Finance’ LPA and the ‘Health and Welfare’ LPA. Each type covers different decisions and you can choose to apply for both or just one of these.

Without these powerful documents organisations such as utility companies, banks and building societies will not be able to discuss your personal affairs with a third party. Therefore if you are unlucky enough to become incapacitated and need the assistance from friends or family, by creating LPA’s you are ‘empowering’ not only your loved ones to carry out your needs and wishes but also ‘empowering’ yourself at the same time.
It is hard to think of growing old and possibly losing mental capacity. However an LPA can be thought of as an insurance policy. You insure your car, house, pets and your life – this is simply like taking out an insurance policy to ensure someone you trust will be able to make decisions for you if you are unable to yourself.
Get ahead of the curve
The Covid19 pandemic is an example of how we cannot foresee the future or what is around the curve. What life challenges we may encounter and by creating LPA’s you are getting ahead of the curve and getting ‘your ducks in order’ to ensure your personal affairs will be taken care of.
If you are interested in setting up an LPA, RG Law can assist, please call us today on……..
Julie Butters
24 March 2022
RG Law Wills and Probate Department